My ex-boyfriend and I were together for almost 2 years, lived together for about a year and a half. This past January, we broke up. Since then we would still see each other and do stuff together just like we were still together. We would get into a fight and then I wouldn't call him for a week and then he would call and give me 20 questions.
On July 1, I found out that I was pregnant. At first we both didn't know what to do. He pretty much blew me off for a little bit and then one night he was supposed to come over to my house and he never showed up, wouldn't return my calls, pages, nothing. Two days later, I talked to him and at a party and he told me he'd met some other girl. He wanted me to have an abortion and nothing else to do with it. Since then, I have talked to him occasionally just regarding the abortion. Two weeks ago,I had a misscarriage and he found out about it and he said "oh really". That was all. !
He didn't want anyone to find out about me being pregnant and he didn't tell anybody; he just wanted to get an abortion and never have to face it. Could you please tell me if he still cares or if it is totally over orwhat?
Because the minute he thinks that I am moving on (relationship wise) he tries to get all up in my business and wants to come around when he thinks that there is someone else in my life. I just don't understand. Could you please help?
Charmaine:This type of situation is very painful but easy to understand. The guy basically lost interest in you, met someone else and your pregnancy became a nuisance to him. He didn't want to deal with it or have any responsibility for you. I'm afraid he's not a very nice character and you are better off without him. As you still care for him, you probably can't see this just yet but you'll have to take my word for it until time heals your pain and you see it for yourself.
He definitely doesn't care about you and it's only his pride and vanity at work when he wants to know your business. In other words, he's not interested but he still wants you to be. He doesan't like the idea thatyou might move on. Do just that and don't even bother with him as a friend because he's proved he's not your friend.
I'm sorry to be so blunt but I wouldn't be doing you any favours if I sugercoat this picture. You deserve better.
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